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Town hall & PTA MEETING

Plan a town hall or PTA meeting for members of your local community.

Invite the public
Invite the press


How to organize a town hall

Learn the step by step process of organizing a town hall or PTA meeting.


Livestream your event

Engage viewers from afar by streaming your event live on social media platforms — all you need is a phone and an internet connection.


Invite the public

Find people to attend. Promote your event on social media and around your community — you can download and print this sample flyer to help you in your outreach.


Invite the press

Reach a bigger audience with your event by inviting the press.


Bring printed materials

Bring materials to hand out and clearly explain your topic. You can download and print copies of this one-page primer on our 2023 campaigns and priorities.


Ask participants to take action

Print copies of this petition to gather signatures at your event.
Print materials
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